Happy anniversary!

Happy anniversary!

This is a brand-new, enhanced and expanded, 8th Anniversary Edition of SECOND CHANCE RANCH! I’ve gone back into the original book and expanded it by over 30,000 words to bring in the beloved characters at Shiloh Ridge Ranch, expand the family saga, and provide even more swoon-worthy romance scenes between Squire and Kelly!

All of this to celebrate the 8th anniversary of the initial publication of the book – and to welcome you to the small-town cowboy world of Three Rivers, Texas!

Find out why more than 2 million copies have sold and why readers like YOU have fallen in love with Three Rivers…and why Sony Pictures has optioned the rights to some of the beloved books in this fictional small, quaint, Texas town!

Not new to Second Chance Ranch and Liz? Read a BRAND-NEW scene that includes Bear Glover below! This is just a taste of what you’ll get in this Anniversary Edition of SECOND CHANCE RANCH.

New to Liz? Read this Extended Edition without needing to know anything! It’s a standalone romance, Book 1 in a series.

Read this inspirational and satisfying special 8th Anniversary Edition western romance and get transported to a small town life filled with heartwarming scenes, sexy cowboys, and all the feels in the Three Rivers Ranch Romance series by USA Today bestselling author and Top 10 Kindle Unlimited All-Star Author Liz Isaacson!

**Get this Special Enhanced Anniversary Edition in eBook, Paperback, or a Bundle of both!**

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About SECOND CHANCE RANCH: After an injury ends his time in the Army, Squire Ackerman returns to his family’s ranch in Three Rivers to manage it.

Kelly Armstrong, a recently divorced single mother, has come to interview for an accountant position at the ranch. Squire and Kelly have a history together, as Squire asked her to the prom years ago and never got an answer. He still harbors feelings for her but is determined to maintain distance to protect himself from getting hurt again.

Once Kelly is hired at the ranch, her presence brings back too many good memories, and Squire finds himself longing for the connection they once had. As they spend more time together, Squire tries to keep his emotions in check and maintain control over their interactions. His military training helps him keep a stoic façade, but the more time he spends with her, the harder it is for him to ignore his feelings for Kelly.

As Squire and Kelly work to save the ranch and navigate their complicated relationship, can they also give love a second chance, follow God’s plan for them, and build a family out of heartache?


By the time Squire sat in the Ranch Owner’s meeting in town, he found himself wishing he was still mucking out stalls with Tom. He knew most of the men and women in the room, but he felt small sitting beside his father.

Then Bear Glover entered, and only one seat remained beside Squire. Bear frowned at it and practically growled as he pulled the chair away from Squire and sat down.

“Howdy,” Squire said anyway. Bear was a beast of a man, and sandwiched between him and his father, Squire felt like a tiny man, though he stood over six feet tall too.

Bear had five or six years on him, and his father had just passed away the year before last. Maybe eighteen months ago. Squire remembered hearing about it in one of his mother’s emails.

Bear’s brother, Judge, was the same age as Squire, and while they’d known one another, they hadn’t been best friends. Squire had played football and been an only-child for his last two years of high school.

Judge had a huge family, lived far from town, and had done FFA. Still, when a family had as much old blood in a small town the way the Glovers did, everyone knew them.

Squire supposed the Ackermans were old blood in Three Rivers too, and most people knew his family too.

“How are things at Shiloh Ridge?” Squire asked.

“Hot and dry.” Bear reached up and took off his cowboy hat with one hand, the other raking through his hair. “Haven’t seen you at these meetings much.”

“Yeah, I’m—” Squire cut off and truly looked at Bear. He wore a full beard in nearly black, but his hair was a lighter shade of brown. His eyes danced in a bright blue, and he tilted his head as if quizzing Squire the longer the silence stretched.

He snapped his mouth closed. “Did you ever not want your ranch?” he muttered out of the corner of his mouth.

Bear blinked a couple of times, and Squire wasn’t sure what he was doing. It wasn’t like he and Bear were besties. “No,” Bear said honestly. “I’ve always loved Shiloh Ridge and knew I’d take it over one day.” He shifted in his seat, folded his arms, and pressed his mouth into a tight line. “It just happened a little sooner than I anticipated.”

Pure foolishness rushed through Squire with the force of gravity. “I’m really sorry about your daddy,” he said sincerely. “My momma emailed me and told me the news.”

Bear nodded, his eyes sticking on something up front now, though the meeting hadn’t started. “It’s okay. Thank you.”

“Didn’t you have a brother who went to vet school?” Squire asked next, mostly to get the topic onto something else. Anything, really.

Bear visibly relaxed, his shoulders in that black-and-white plaid shirt going down as his gaze returned to Squire. “Yeah, Cactus. He’s only been back for a few years, actually.”

Squire nodded. “You guys didn’t have a full-time vet before that, right?”

“Nope.” Bear wasn’t particularly chatty on a good day, and Squire figured he’d gotten a lot out of him already. Thankfully, Britt Bellamore stepped to the front of the room and started the meeting.

Or maybe not-so-thankfully, as Squire couldn’t care one whit about any of the ranch business happening on the properties surrounding Three Rivers.

His family’s ranch was the biggest of them all, but not the most profitable. That honor belonged to Shiloh Ridge and Bear, and Squire found himself itching to know who ran their finances at the ranch about as far south of town as Three Rivers was north.

He kept his mouth shut despite wanting to ask, and suffered through the meeting. His father contributed a few things, but he’d never been one to speak more than necessary either.

Squire had definitely gotten that trait from him, but he shook hands and smiled and wished the other ranch owners well once the meeting concluded.

“So we’ll take our boys to help with the fire prevention at Golden Hour and Shiloh Ridge,” his dad said once they’d gotten in the truck to head back to the ranch. “Can you arrange that with Clark? Make sure we have five or six men, and they’ll come help us with that two hundred acres we can never mow in time during the harvest.”

Squire looked over to his father blankly. “Fire prevention?”

His daddy looked at him, at-once realizing that Squire had zoned out for the entire meeting. He hadn’t. Not really. He’d simply been thinking about how he could talk to Cactus about veterinary school or ask Bear about who they used for an accountant.

The Glover family was far bigger than his—they had six boys just in Bear’s family. His cousins helped run the ranch too, and there were three more males there. Even if he hadn’t wanted Shiloh Ridge, there would’ve been someone else to take over.

Squire didn’t have that luxury.

“Yes,” his daddy said. “Fire prevention.”

“They have a river running through Shiloh Ridge,” Squire said darkly. “Before it splits into three.” One of those arms ran through Three Rivers Ranch—the north-western most river—but it had been dry for weeks now.

“It’s dry,” his dad clipped out. “Weren’t you listening at all?”

“No,” Squire said, quickly following it with, “Sorry, Dad. Really. I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Mm hm,” his father said.

Squire waited for more, but his father wasn’t his mother, and no lecture came. No assumptions were made. He simply kept driving.

“I’ll organize the boys to go help with fire prevention,” Squire confirmed. And now he had a reason to call Bear and talk to him again, which made him smile. “For both ranches.”

“Great,” his father said. “Maybe this year, we’ll have excess hay to sell too, if they’ll come help us during the harvest.”

Their machines already ran twenty-four-seven during the alfalfa harvest, but Squire didn’t say anything. Britt and Bear would have their own tractors and threshers, and if it meant he didn’t have to mow two hundred acres, he could slather on sunscreen and go work in the Texas heat to put down a fire line.

Especially if he could talk to Cactus about becoming a vet, or learn more about how Shiloh Ridge handled their finances.

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