

Calling all book lovers! Join us all day on Sunday, December 4th, for Bookapalooza 2022 in our Facebook Group at My Book Friends. It's a huge day for a giveaway to celebrate the Season of Giving. Over 50 authors and 50 giveaways. Tell your reader friends and join us in our Facebook Group today! https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbookfriends

Date: Dec 4 2022

Location: My Book Friends FB group


Calling all book lovers! Join us all day on Sunday, December 4th, for Bookapalooza 2022 in our Facebook Group at My Book Friends. It’s a huge day for a giveaway to celebrate the Season of Giving. Over 50 authors and 50 giveaways. Tell your reader friends and join us in our Facebook Group today! https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbookfriends

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